Our Story


More than just accessories!

ROADWORN: Because both our products and the people who make them, are no strangers to the street.

Our canvas is used bike parts, crafted into a unique range of fashionable belts, dog collars, jewelry and more - and the makers are members of Wellington’s marginalised community.

For project creator Harvey Livchitz, ROADWORN was born out of a series of troubling questions he’d wrestled with for years: 

  • How do we get the homeless truly participating in the community again?

  • How do we instil them with a sense of pride and dignity that working and earning your own money brings?

  • How do you give people, who own so very little, a stake in something truly big?

The answer? By bringing a job to them.

By making the reward instant, assuring active participation in our work, and the camaraderie that comes along with it, ROADWORN will be there for them, for as long as they are willing. 


Our workplace.

We respect people as much as we respect the planet. 

As soon as a maker produces an item, they are given commission. This real and instant income makes a difference, and is made possible by the sales of our products.

The maker marks the inside of each item made their name, and paid an additional commission when the item is sold online, or in an outlet store.

​The instant reward goes both ways.

Buyers of ROADWORN products are encouraged to come here to learn about who made their belt, and read their story.

​Durable and unique products, made by real people, with real stories.


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